what we do
- Power Plant Consulting
- Due Diligence Reviews
- Technical/Financial Feasibility Studies
- Reviews, Analysis and Strategic Advice
- Plant Performance Optimisation
- Arbitration and Litigation Support
What Role We Play
Who we assist
- Project Lenders
- Government Agencies
- Project Owners & Developers
- Generators - Independent and Utilities
- Consumers - Industrial and Institutions
Power Plant Consulting
SMS Energy-Engineering Inc. is a leading engineering firm with an international reputation for advising the power generation industry. For over two decades, we have been advising independent power producers, utility generators, industrial/institutional customers, government agencies and project lenders in all areas related to clean and green power generation and cogeneration.. Our continuing success is a tribute to our personalised approach and the manner in which we integrate engineering talent, financial and in-depth operational expertise to deliver solutions and sound business advice. We understand the sector’s changing conditions and we adapt quickly to client needs, in rapidly changing market conditions in Canada and abroad.
Every project comes with unique and often multifaceted challenges. Ensuring that the project is on time and budget is a challenge that project sponsors usually handle with internal resources. More complex and sui generis challenges often exceed internal capabilities especially when highly specialised expertise is needed; project sponsors need a reliable and trusted partner to serve and protect their interests and avoid getting bogged down in side-issues. SMS Energy-Engineering is that trusted partner and can be relied on to efficiently overcome the most complex challenges.
As technical consultants, we offer a wide range of services ranging from power project screening analysis to Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) packages. We can assist in all project phases, starting from planning and early development, to schematic design, to EPC documentation, through construction, commission and testing, and into commercial operations and beyond. Our services can include:
- Facility Review and Evaluation
- Planning and Feasibility Studies
- Concept Design
- Feasibility Studies
- Preparation of project scoping and definition
- Coordination with ISO's, RTO's, LDC's
- Preparation of equipment technical specifications
- Development of order of magnitute cost estimates
- Preparation of early project schedules
- Preparation of FEED packages
- Advice on project development/construction options (EPC, EPCM...)
- Preparation of EPC documents
- Evaluation of EPC bid proposals
- Assistance ini EPC contract negotiations
- Risk management analysis
- Assistance in negotiating off take agreements
- Assistance with environmental permitting and licensing
- Assessment and qualification of vendors/suppliers
- Inspection and witnessing factory tests
- Tracking project costs and schedule
- Release of milestone payments
- Site supervision support
- Assistance in project cost control and schedule
- Assistance with construction management and monitoring
- Assistance with commissioning management and start-up
- Project management support during construction and commissioning
- Development of punch lists
- Development of document warranty schedules
- Trial, reliability and availability testing
- Preparation of performance testing procedures
- Witnessing of performance test and evaluation of test results
- Review of operation and mantenance procedures
- Review of maintenance, and operating plans and manuals
- Assistance during project warranty period
For more information, feel free to contact us on our contact page.